: ) Life after the detox is much happier than life during the detox. It has taken me a while to post since the end of the detox, sorry about that. After feeling horrible for 5 days and not being able to spend time with friends and hang out, we decided it wasn't worth wasting away in our rooms while we were with awesome friends and in new zealand. On our last salt water chug, Garrett and I decided that we would fake our satlwater, put a pinch of milk in just regular water so it looked like salt was in it, and act like we were pounding it with Ryan. Ryan drank the saltwater and ended up pooping for the next hour while garrett and i laughed and hung out. I kinda felt bad and wanted to join him in pooping too but he demanded to do it alone in his own flat. our 45 minute ease off was pretty awesome though. i put on 6 lbs since the beginning of the detox...whats up with that? all in all it was awesome. great guys, great detox, great laughs. wellp, i guess thats it. good detox guys. woohoo!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Life After the Detox (Lucas)
: ) Life after the detox is much happier than life during the detox. It has taken me a while to post since the end of the detox, sorry about that. After feeling horrible for 5 days and not being able to spend time with friends and hang out, we decided it wasn't worth wasting away in our rooms while we were with awesome friends and in new zealand. On our last salt water chug, Garrett and I decided that we would fake our satlwater, put a pinch of milk in just regular water so it looked like salt was in it, and act like we were pounding it with Ryan. Ryan drank the saltwater and ended up pooping for the next hour while garrett and i laughed and hung out. I kinda felt bad and wanted to join him in pooping too but he demanded to do it alone in his own flat. our 45 minute ease off was pretty awesome though. i put on 6 lbs since the beginning of the detox...whats up with that? all in all it was awesome. great guys, great detox, great laughs. wellp, i guess thats it. good detox guys. woohoo!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Garrett: Final Post
So we're all done with this Master Cleanse, it's been a couple days since we have and it seems the other guys are all feeling good. I still feel standard. I'm just in a way better mood cause I'm not hungry all the damn time! Also cause i get beer back in my life, thank goodness! Our weaning off was extremely short lived, after eating an orange and having a glass of juice we hit it hard eating two frozen pizzas within forty five minutes, along with trail mix, a mentos for myself and a ton more juice. It didn't seem to do any harm to us going off like that so I'm certainly glad we splurged. The next day we certainly treated ourselves, making omelets in the morning, nutella peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, as well as a few other goodies for our own self indulgences, and a beautiful pasta bake for dinner. My total weight loss was probably at the max close to 6 or 7 pounds although i only weighed myself the morning after enjoying our frozen pizza and at that point was around 5 pounds down. Since then i've put on another pound after a late night of heavy drinking. So yeah all in all i feel about the same no huge difference in energy, no huge change in anything, but i am still proud and have found it a worthwhile experience and challenge in my life.
I love you boys, G money signing out.
I love you boys, G money signing out.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
good prank
So these two d-bags decided to pull a fast one. I was at church helping out some youth at a youth event when I realized the time was getting late. It was nearing ten and I told them I would be back by then. We exchanged a few text and I was soon on my way home. i kinda felt bad because we had planned to do one more salt before we ended this torture. So they sent me a text saying they had their salt ready and whenever i got back we would chug. I got home mixed my salt and met them in my living room area and we were ready. Garrett asked Stu to video us, but he was busy participating in other activities. Rishad was there and he seemed perfect. So Rishad taped our last salt water chug challenge. i was pretty pumped and started chugging. Garrett was doing really well this time, unlike his usual....haha. He beat me, but not by much. I was extremely full this time and even put more salt in this one to cleanse me completely. So i was mentally ready to sit on the pot for and hour just hangin with the men. Garrettt and Luke had a different idea....... They looked at me and were like, "Ryan we didn't put any salt in ours!!!!! hahahah looks like you'll be pooping alone" I thought these were my friends... nope! Well i was quite impressed more than I was pissed. I thought that was a clever idea, so i couldn't get that mad. they repaid me by making me a meal tonight. I don't know if it was worth it, but o well, good times good stories, a lot of laughter. can't really beat that. anyway we are all much happier and feeling much better. any who, buenos noches, hasta luego trial of tears......
Friday, October 3, 2008
Garrett: Day 5, I'm finished!!!
So it's 10:30 right now and I've finished the last of my maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne bull shit concoction, yippy skippy! All i have left is to wait until midnight then it will be time to hit the orange juice and delve into an beautiful orange. I can't wait I'm so so so hungry. Today was the same as any day,although i got quite restless and was determined to get out and run around. Luckily i was able to convince a few people to go throw the football around and play a bit of soccer to help me get it out of my system. Otherwise, yeah it's been another good day for me, capped off by an absolutely amazing prank of which i will let Ryan and Luke post about...Luke has the video. Ugh! I'm so hungry, just an hour and a half away! We already have our meals planned for the next two days, it's going to be amazing! But alright I'm off to find some other stuff to occupy my mind. And no worries I'll continue to keep you posted as I wean back onto solid foods.
Morning of day 5
I thought that it was getting easier... But its not, its getting a lot harder. I just spent 10 minutes going through the taco bell menu online just to look at the food and fantasize about it - internet food porn? I swear My stomach made the loudest sounds, you could have heard them from the kitchen with my door closed. Anyway Taco bell is definitely what I am craving. Tacos, Gorditas, Burritos, Chalupas heaped with sour cream and cheese and beef and everything that is good. I swear I could eat 15 of the biggest burritos right now. On a side note, Taco Bell has this thing called fourth meal (I'm sure you have heard of it), well on the same website that they are advertising for fourth meal they are advertising to stop world hunger - just a little hypochritical. That aside, Do they have Taco Bell in NZ? I could really go for some right now. Yesterday I was really bad. The saltwater thing didn't really go so well. It keeps taking longer to leave my system and I feel sicker each time I do it. I was going to skip it today but Luke said it was important to do it. Only 3 more days counting today. I will make it. So since i felt so sick yesterday I only had half of my Calorie intake - Probably a bad idea. Also I stayed out till like 3 in the morning at Shooters and soul square and such. Also a terrible Idea - didnt sleep well. I'm drinking my juice right now. It tastes better than yesterday, or maybe its just that I am so hungry that my body won't let me think it tastes bad. Which it does. Ok on our way to the beach soon.
only 3 more days
only 3 more days
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Lord help us!!!!
i didn't blog yesterday.... sorry my computer was being stupid. yesterday wasn't too exciting so you didn't miss much. the only thing exciting was i lost another 3.5 lbs. yesterday. so on to today, day 4. luke and i were talking earlier on how from day 4 on it won't be that bad. we were feeling realy good today, almost garrett status!! and then like he said we went for a stupid stroll on the bikes and came back hungry. then family guy..... commercial after commercial FFFOOOOODDDD new morracco sub from subway, $4 burger from burger king, burrito thing from mcdonalds, and then family guy was all about food too. then it got serious. we were desperate for food. hate to say it but luke was ready to cave and i was wanting it too, but i knew how pissed i would be if i would have caved today with 3 more days left. well i lost another 2.5 lbs today so i have lost 8 lbs now. not good. we have been talking about food for the last 2 hours and it has been miserable. i would love to cheat right now and chow down, but i am holding fast and lasting through this thing. tomorrow will be another day i am ready to dominate it!!!! we must venture out and challenge ourselves or life is not worth living
Garrett: Day 4=Happy to overweight again!
Everyone is dying around me, and although the hunger is hitting me pretty hard it's not nearly as bad as it seems for other people (Hint hint, everyone but me). Once again I'm thankful for my weight stores of energy. Once again my energy levels are up high and overall unless I'm really hungry my spirits are high as well, it feels good to almost be there. I have one more full day oh syrup and bull shit soup to drink, thank god. Not that it tasted that horrible, I'm just ready for real food. Today, I got to shop for my weaning off, I'm so excited, I'm definitely trying to eat some chicken Saturday night after a solid green bean and V8 lunch, which will be nice after my orange, mango, papaya fruit juice breakfast. The only really terrible part of this day was the start. Luke read you should do the salt water experience in the morning before you put anything in it. Well that sounded good and makes sense to me, except for the fact without anything in my stomach shoving a full liter of salt water in it was not pleasant at all. I had to take a solid couple minutes to not talk to anyone and seriously concentrate on not vomiting it all right back up. Luckily i made it through, and Ryan, Luke, and I were able to go and enjoy another delightful group poop in the UCSA, where we sat so long that motion detector activated lights turned off, hahaha. But it's time for this little tyke to hit the bed, tomorrow is my last day! YIPPY SKIPPY!!!!!
Lucas: Day 4 = hell
Honestly I don't think I have ever wanted to break down and do something for food more than I wanted to earlier tonight. I was definitely giving up. The only reason I didn't eat is because Ryan, and Garrett were sitting on the couch next to me telling me I couldn't eat. We were watching TV and I think every commercial and every scene in Family Guy had food in it or people eating. I woke up feeling better than any day so far and I thought i was golden for the rest of the dya, but boy was i wrong, when it hit me, it hit harder than i ever thought it would. Ryan and i went for a short bike ride to the mall and maybe that is the reason i felt soo horrible later. I also am not sure if th reason i wanted to break and eat so much was bcause i found out the car me and three other friends bought, over heated and is no longer sellable and we have to total it...This is not looking good i was banking on that money for rent when i get back to the states. All i can think about is the meals we all ahve planned to eat together next wed. which is 6 days away...holy crap that souds so far away. I am hurtin like crazy right now, and am just hangin on for these guys cause they have faith in me to do it, and it was my idea so how can i be the oen to back out? I don't know what the deal is, tiem to turn this frown upside down as my buddy steve always says and start lookin at the good side, hey only a few more days and we will be back to normal, appreciating food more than we ever have before. I am pumped and this is definitely quite the experience and i am excited to see where it goes from here to the end and even more how it will be once we can eat again and how we are all feeling and the bond we have all had through this, even though there is alot of time we are spacing out and out of it. We got this guys, only a few more days... "that which doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger"
Morning of Day 4 - Vinny
What else is there to say that hasn't been said? I feel like I have a lot of free time on my hands. No dishes to do, no food to prepare, no shopping for food, no going to the gym. All these things take time and/or also require food. I organized a lot of my music last night to kill time. I've also been catching up on movies and been reading a bit. Boring!!!
I read an article in one of Ryan's magazines yesterday about a person who fasted for 20 days. One of things that they realized that I am now beginning to feel more is a sense of detachment from other people. Eating is a time to come together and even though we have "dinner" and post "dinner" shit sessions, without actual food it is not the same. I've noticed that everyone seems much more down than I have ever seen them before. I'm sure that anyone who has been with any of us at all over the past 2 days would say the same. Its things like this that make me realize the effects of hunger. I will certainly have a much greater appreciation for food when this is done. As far as dealing with the hunger - it just becomes easier every day.
I read an article in one of Ryan's magazines yesterday about a person who fasted for 20 days. One of things that they realized that I am now beginning to feel more is a sense of detachment from other people. Eating is a time to come together and even though we have "dinner" and post "dinner" shit sessions, without actual food it is not the same. I've noticed that everyone seems much more down than I have ever seen them before. I'm sure that anyone who has been with any of us at all over the past 2 days would say the same. Its things like this that make me realize the effects of hunger. I will certainly have a much greater appreciation for food when this is done. As far as dealing with the hunger - it just becomes easier every day.
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