Tuesday, September 30, 2008

mind over matter

Day two is down, and i think after today pretty much all of us are feeling pretty broken down.  Yesterday's excitement has run out, we are hungry and it is still too early for our bodies to be accustomed to only liquids.  Tomorrow is only going to be worse than today.  I believe tomorrow is going to be a make or break day.  I believe that if we pull through tomorrow, we will be on our way to 10days and if not at least 5-7.  I know i have to go at least to day 4 because we have bought the supplies.  I took a test today and finished a paper due tomorrow and am ready to become a sack of potatoes for the next few days.  Despite this blowing the big one, i now have a new appreciation for food, especially the smallest of foods like enjoying a cup of hot chocolate with friends, and spending time cooking omlettes.  i not only miss the food part of eating but more than that i think i miss the social aspect of coming together as a team to create nourishment for our bodies. The poop today was good, no tar yet.  I think i have come away from seeing this as a healthy matter and it has now become more of a mental challenge for me.  Do i break it off early and fall into the temptations like everything else in life? or do i stay strong suffer a little and learn from this experience and prove to myself that i do have some self discipline?  i am really hoping for the latter but i know i can only do it with the support of my friends.  tomorrow is a new day; a new challenge; a new appreciation of the simple things in life.

the picture is of us chugging our liter of salt water before hittin the poopers at the library.

Garrett: Day Fucking 2

Day 2, way less eventful then day one. I didn't work out and am still feeling sick, but for some reason even on 5 hours of sleep feel energized. I actually sat down and did some homework this morning with the void of no work out, and also got to catch up on a few other odds and ends. The group poop was pretty standard, minus Sam this time and instead trading him in for Ryan. I'm still pretty hungry however, and this constant pissing is starting get pretty obnoxious. But yeah Day two down, feeling great yet hungry, and still going strong. But now it's time to try and get some sleep so maybe i can feel great again tomorrow.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Worst Idea Ever

So i have had some pretty bad ideas over the past few years, whether it be walking on a frozen pond in bare feet, or filling a soda can with gas and lighting it then jumping on it, but this was probably one of my worst ideas.  Not eating for 10days, not until today did i realize what we are getting ourselves into.  while friends are enjoying a well cooked steak, we are sipping on our homemade juice taking in the aroma.  Despite this being one of my least smart ideas, i also believe it is going to be one of the best mental and physical challenges i will have had in an incredibly long time...and thats why i'm still pumped.  nothing beats overcoming an obstacle that has broken you down and rebuilt you.  it just happens that right now is our breakdown stage.  i am truly hoping this is an opportunity to cleanse not only my body but my soul, faith, and self discipline.  i could not ask for 4 funnier guys to be doing this with and as they said before, with each others support, i am not worried about getting through it at all, i'm more worried about pooping my pants in class.  i am sitting here on day one, hungry yet satisfied, ready to see what tomorrow will bring.  to those of us up for the challenge, lets do this, day one is down and tomorrow is another beautiful day. Goodnight and Godbless! 

just for kicks, check out ryans sweet pic he took while we were eating "dinner" together 

Garrett: Holy Shit...literally

Wow, Ryan Shit his pants, by far the funniest moment of my entire trip here in New Zealand...wow is all i have to say. Now with that out of the way, my day. It was certainly an interesting one that's for sure. The start was pretty standard, i don't usually eat breakfast or at least a large breakfast, so i was doing fine with that. So i woke up and headed to the gym, did a shortened lift and did a very short run, due to a chest cold I'm currently enduring and considering i won't have a lot of energy to fight it off i decided it would be best to keep it brief. After that i went back hit quick shower and headed to Ryan's to make a nice breakfast. The mix of cayenne, maple syrup, and lemon juice is certainly an interesting one. I can't complain to much, it's definitely bearable, although we'll see what i say after a couple more days of it. For the most part between water and the mix i've been able to keep myself feeling pretty full, but now that I'm laying down for the night a nice nutella and peanut butter sandwich sounds delicious. I never realized how much all this liquid would make me have to piss, i had two of the most uncomfortable classes of all time today. Literally, from the moment i sat down til the end of class was a struggle not to piss myself or to just get up and leave. The second time i pissed literally five minutes before classes started, withing 10 of it starting i had to go again, ugh it was quite obnoxious. Hopefully i can handle it better tomorrow. So as stated for dessert we got to enjoy a liter of salt water, it was probably the worst dessert i've ever had in my life, scratch that, it was definitely the worst of my life. As you probably read from ryan's post, he promptly shit himself, again it was hilarious! After that sam, luke and I made our way to our student union building to find a bathroom where we could take a group poop and support each other through the tough times. I'm glad we could all do it together, it was quite the experience, i think ryan describes it pretty well, read his for a description. After finishing up in there, i headed back and took a complete shower, i definitely felt i needed on. From there on i just sipped on water having finished my dinner and was scared to fart for the rest of the night, haha.

Day 1 - Vinny

So day 1 is almost over with. Feeling a bit hungry. Somewhat out of it and oh yeah... happy that I wasn't the one who shat himself. I can't believe we are going to do this for 10 days. One thing is for sure... I will be peeing a lot. Like at least 20 times a day.
Goodnight everyone

If you only knew.......

HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This just got a lot more serious than I thought. Let me back up with the beginning of my day first. Today is the beginning to 10 of the most treacherous days of my life. I wake up this morning realizing this is it, game on! This is probably the first breakfast I have missed in 10-20 years. I don't remember missing a breakfast is what I am trying to say. I have worked my tail off to put on weight, constantly eating, even when I am not hungry. I guess that I eat 395 peanut butter and honey sandwiches a year, just for the protein and carbs. So i have been lifting and eating a fair amount here (in New Zealand) when a friend decided we should do this stupid detox diet thing. We weighed in this morning and I weighed a record high of 81.4 kgs which is 178.6 lbs. I have never been this heavy in my life, and now I have committed myself to starve for 10 days. So here goes.....Before you proceed reading, this might get a little graphic. The whole day I have been incredibly hungry. Anything and everything reminded me of food. If anyone from INdiana or DePauw reads this I have been CRAVING marvins, which has THE best garlic cheeseburger with ranch fries. I really shouldn't have written that, now I'm hurting of hunger. So everyone: Sam, Luke, Garrett, and my self have been having a great day. No cheaters, not too tired, it's all good. We had lunch and dinner together. For dessert we drank our salt water concoction, which is made up of organic sea salt and a liter of water. We chugged them, but Luke won. Congrats..... Literally five minutes later or less I had to flatulate. First rule of master clean: NEVER FART! (because that is not all that comes out). No way this gas bubble inside of me could have been from the drink. So i thought i could squeeze one out safely.......well I was wrong. Wasn't just air. For the next 45 min. my legs were gettting numb from squating on the john. it was serious business. I have never experienced something like this in my life. take the worst most awesome bowel movement you have ever experienced and put it on steriods, then multiply it by 3 and you will experience the same intensity that i did. Who would have thought..........

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Don't really know what I'm getting into

Yeah so I went over to Maggie's to visit with some people and you know... hang out. When I got there Ryan, Garrett and Luke are trying to convince the girls to do this detox thing with them. And then they asked me if I wanted to do it. They told me I would feel great lose weight and shit tar for about 7 days. Having just come from that place down the road where they serve all that really nasty fried food, I decided that my body could use a detox and why the hell not... Right now I'm still full, having eaten a deep fried fish burger and fries about 4 hours ago and feeling pretty ready to starve for the next 10 days.
Good Luck everybody. Don't really know what I'm getting myself into but willing to take it through to the end. Probably because I'm still really really full. Goodnight

Sam wanted to join the action so here is the new photo of the team and our supplies for the next 4 days, after 10 days of this we will have gone through 30 bottles of 99.9% lemon juice and 30 bottles of 100% pure maple syrup. here is the link to what the detox entails...http://themastercleanse.org/    .....tomorrow is going to be a great day : )

Garrett: Oh Goodness, here we go

So here we go...
As I'm sure you know by reading the other boys posts, we're starting a 10 day detox that will take probably 2 full weeks while we ease our way out of it. I'm pretty scared, this is going to be pretty painful, eek a leak. It should be fun though, especially with Ryan and Lucas there to hold my hands while they go through the same things. I figure as long as they are there to support me i can definitely do it. Doing it alone would be near impossible. I'm glad i drank for the last two day, build up as many toxins as i can to really make this worth it,haha. Word on the street is there is going to be some serious weight loss, which is going to be weird, but worries me a little since i plan on lifting and continuing my training for the marathon while doing this, so mine may be more extreme than expected. Which is really unhealthy. Hopefully it all works out, i guess we'll see. hopefully even nf this is a complete failure, we'll have some awesome stories.
Note: There will be a pretty fair intense and inappropriate posts on this blog, just be aware and be ready for some potty language.
So here it is guys, the blog of our 10 day detox.  As Ryan said we have spent most of the day in the library to get work finished and have completed nothing.  For those who do not know all of us the picture is a quick shot we took while not doing work in the library.  Far left is Garrett, myself Lucas in the middle, and Ryan on the far right.  The detox requires we do not eat any food for 10 days and only drink an organic/nutrient created drink that we must make each morning.  Basically we poop all the tar and toxins out of our bodies and its a rough but good time.  this is gonna be awesome. woohoo!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The night before - Ryan

Ok, so there are three people, including myself, which have decided to completely detox our bodies. we have been thinking about this for a while now, but it is becoming a reality. TOmorrow is the official start date. We are trying to figure out a good pic for our profile, but we are struggling...... To be honest I am incredibly hungry thinking about not being able to eat for 10 days. SWEET we found an awesome picture!!! So we have been in the library for around 3 hours today maybe more and I have read 2 paragraphs (and I have a test tomorrow) Luke has written 180 words of a 2500 word essay and Garrett has written a paragraph. The main problem with this is I am going to lose heaps of poundage. We all agreed to do this and then get freakin jacked up from the gym afterwards. So no worries. If you have never heard of this detox process you should read up on it. The more I read the less I want to do it. There will be a lot of post so I will keep this one short. Peace! "Live the Life you Love"