Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Begingin of Day 3

So yesterday was filled with its ups and downs. Sometimes I'm hungry sometimes I'm not. Sometimes I cant think while others I think quite clearly. Some things that I have noticed:
-An intensified sense of smell. Everything smells good. I was dissecting a flower in my plant lab, a big magnolia and all I wanted to do was eat it. Other smaller flowers caused similar responses.
-Subconscious planning of what I'm going to eat. By this I mean that I will be doing something such as walking and talking with people while simultaneously creating plans in the back of my mind of what I am going to eat and how f-ing good its going to taste, and then suddenly I realize that I still have many more days to go. I do this constantly even though I know better. I think it is just a habit that will be broken soon.
-So I've had this cough since I left how for NZ. Its been almost 4 months now. Lately it has been getting worse, turning into wheezing at night and the feeling that something is in my chest and not being able to cough it up. Went to the doctor and he said that it was probably asthma. Awsome.. Well, the night before we started this diet I ate some really greesy nasty deep fried stuff. The kind of stuff that fills you up for 5 hours because it just lingers so long in your stomach. That night I had really bad asthma simptoms. The night after that (the first night after starting the diet) my simptoms were remarkebly diminished. last night (The second night) they were gone. I wonder if this shit really is working?
-My hunger fluxuates. Usually durring normal meal times is when I will be the hungriest. Around dinner or lunch especially. Although it seems to be worse during dinner.
-Another thing, I opted to take my shit back at my flat instead of with the other guys in the library. I'm glad I did because instead of coming in 20-30 min like the first day, it took a solid hour to start. The other guys had just about finished at this point. I think it may be because I Drank most of my "dinner" about 15 min before chugging the saltwater. I will not do this today
-My shit smelled nasty differetnt than any other shit I have ever taken.
-Still no tar.
Today is supposed to be a real challenge. My goal is to make it through the weekend. Assuming that everything goes smothely I know that I will make it.

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