Wednesday, October 1, 2008

This is tough- Day 2

Today was a real challenge for me. I think I might of had the hardest day. Everyone seemed to be really happy and energized, especially Garrett. I was struggling. I weighed in yesterday at 80.5 kg 2lbs lighter than day one. I have a bad feeling this is going to keep up...but o well. The entire day was was feeling rather tired and hungry, but do able. When the evening came I hit a wall. My flat mates are purposefully making my favorite foods and desperately trying to break me down. Last night we had a big game of euchre and I nearly caved. If I didn't have a support system I would be eating and happy. Like luke said, it would be so easy to give up right now, but that is half of this. We want to be able to have self control and overcome our selfish desires and get a full physical, mental, and spiritual cleansing. Whenever we face huge obstacles and overcome them the outcome is always more satisfying. I'm just really happy I'm not doing this alone. Love you guys!!!

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