Friday, October 3, 2008

Morning of day 5

I thought that it was getting easier... But its not, its getting a lot harder. I just spent 10 minutes going through the taco bell menu online just to look at the food and fantasize about it - internet food porn? I swear My stomach made the loudest sounds, you could have heard them from the kitchen with my door closed. Anyway Taco bell is definitely what I am craving. Tacos, Gorditas, Burritos, Chalupas heaped with sour cream and cheese and beef and everything that is good. I swear I could eat 15 of the biggest burritos right now. On a side note, Taco Bell has this thing called fourth meal (I'm sure you have heard of it), well on the same website that they are advertising for fourth meal they are advertising to stop world hunger - just a little hypochritical. That aside, Do they have Taco Bell in NZ? I could really go for some right now. Yesterday I was really bad. The saltwater thing didn't really go so well. It keeps taking longer to leave my system and I feel sicker each time I do it. I was going to skip it today but Luke said it was important to do it. Only 3 more days counting today. I will make it. So since i felt so sick yesterday I only had half of my Calorie intake - Probably a bad idea. Also I stayed out till like 3 in the morning at Shooters and soul square and such. Also a terrible Idea - didnt sleep well. I'm drinking my juice right now. It tastes better than yesterday, or maybe its just that I am so hungry that my body won't let me think it tastes bad. Which it does. Ok on our way to the beach soon.
only 3 more days

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eating the "Volcano Taco" from Taco Bell the day after your detox would probably kill you.